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Configurator PS CS6 Styles

A set of styles fot the Adobe Configurator HTML widget imitating the Photoshop CS6 UI.

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Configurator PS CS6 Styles

Photoshop CS6 Styles for Configurator is a small ongoing project to provide a consistent UI for the Adobe Configurator HTML widget.
Basically you will be able to develop your own HTML application plugin with the full Photoshop CS6 user interface and experience.

Please note that although this set is based on Bootstrap, it has been written for the HTML Configurator widget, so you most probably won't have cross-browser compatibility if you will need it for some other purpose.


Setting up the style is quite easy (I'm assuming that you have some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and know how to setup a Configurator project with and HTML widget).

1. Copy the Files

Copy the css, img and js folders (you will find them in the ConfiguratorPsCS6Styles.assets foder) you downloaded from the project page into your Configurator project folder (usually {YourPanelName}.assets). These files already include the Bootstrap base elements.

Copying the files in your project folder
2. Create an HTML page
Now create a regular HTML page and save it in your project folder.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>App Title</title>

<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link id="theme_stylesheet" href="css/ps-cs6-medium-dark.css" rel="stylesheet"
<body class="ps-cs6">


<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>

As you can see we have declared the main Bootstrap css (and its required scripts) and added the medium dark style of Photoshop CS6. Please note that we have declared the class ps-cs6 for the body: this will create a nice grey background and set the main typography for the application once you assign the html page to the widget.

The html page with the style applied.
3. Switching Styles at Runtime

If you export your panel, you will notice that this style is nice for the medium grey interface of Photoshop. However this won't do any good if the user has opted for light, medium light or dark!

Fortunately we can add a listener for the ThemeChangedEvent (i.e.: when the user changes interface theme):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>App Title</title>

<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link id="theme_stylesheet" href="css/ps-cs6-medium-dark.css" rel="stylesheet"

<script type="application/javascript">
function onThemeChanged(event) {
if (event.appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor == "343434")
document.getElementById('theme_stylesheet').href = "css/ps-cs6-dark.css";
else if (event.appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor == "535353")
document.getElementById('theme_stylesheet').href = "css/ps-cs6-medium-dark.css";
else if (event.appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor == "d6d6d6")
document.getElementById('theme_stylesheet').href = "css/ps-cs6-light.css";
else if (event.appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor == "b8b8b8")
document.getElementById('theme_stylesheet').href = "css/ps-cs6-medium-light.css";
// if none of these colors are found, fallback to isLight/isDark
else if (event.isLight)
document.getElementById('theme_stylesheet').href = "css/ps-cs6-medium-light.css";
document.getElementById('theme_stylesheet').href = "css/ps-cs6-medium-dark.css";

<body class="ps-cs6" onload="addEventListener('ThemeChangedEvent', onThemeChanged)">


<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>

As you can see the code is quite straightforward: we check when the theme changes and assign the appropriate stylesheet. The last two else if/else statements are "just in case" the panel background color is not found: we check if the theme is light or dark.

You are now ready to create your own Photoshop CS6 styled application. Following you can find a reference of all available styles.

Style Reference

Using the styles is quite easy: you will be using the regular Bootstrap classes, usually adding a class named ps-cs6 when the element is available.

Core Styles

To add the overall Photoshop look&feel, simply add a ps-cs6 class declaration to the body tag:

<body class="ps-cs6">
Disabled Components
In some situations you may need to disable some components: in these cases simply use the regular procedure for Bootstrap. As an exaple, to ste a text as disabled, use:
<span class="disabled ps-cs6">Disabled Text</span>
The basic text styles.

As in Bootstrap, you can use <button> <a> <input> tags:

<button class="btn ps-cs6">Button</button>

<a href="#" class="btn ps-cs6">Button</a>

<input class="btn ps-cs6" type="button" value="Input"/>

<input class="btn ps-cs6" type="submit" value="Submit"/>

Additionally, the element can be of toggle type:

<button class="btn ps-cs6" data-toggle="button">Button</button>

Button Elements
Alternative Buttons
Photoshop has some nice UI buttons to be used in some particular cases.

The switch button (which can also be set to on state):

<button class="btn switch ps-cs6 active" data-toggle="button">...</button>

<button class="btn switch ps-cs6 on" disabled="disabled" data-toggle="button">...</button>
The switch buttons.

The checkbox button:

<button class="btn checkbox ps-cs6" data-toggle="button">Button</button>
The checkbox button.

The borderless button (this makes more sense if used with an icon as content instead of regular text):

<button class="btn ps-cs6 borderless">Button</button>

To declare a toolbar, use this syntax:

<div class="btn-toolbar ps-cs6"></div>

and then insert the button elements as described above. You can, of course, use both vertical and horizontal toolbars.

Inputs and Text Areas

Again, you should simply add a ps-cs6 class:

<input type="text" class="ps-cs6"/>

<textarea class="ps-cs6"></textarea>
Text input and text area.
Dropdowns and Dropups

The dropdown menu is declared in a similar way to the regular Bootstrap one.

<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn ps-cs6 dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Drop Down<span class="caret"></span></button>
<ul class="dropdown-menu ps-cs6" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">
<li><a href="#">Action 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Action 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Action 3</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="#">Action 4</a></li>
The dropdown menu.

To declare a dropup menu, simply add the dropup class to the button group declaration:

<div class="btn-group dropup">

Please note that at the moment the Photoshop panel runtime has some serious issue with the <select> element, so it is impossible to use it in a Configurator application.


Simply add ps-cs6 to your tab ul list.

<ul class="nav nav-tabs ps-cs6">
<li class="active"><a href="#">Tab 1</a></li>
Tab navigator.

Additional Components

An extension set using JQuery UI is also available. To use these components, simply add the required styles and scripts for the library:

<link href="css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">


<script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>

As the components described above, you simply have to add a ps-cs6 class and use the regular JQuery UI syntax for a slider.

Two sliders: a regular and a ranged one